Want to help us out? Here’s how!

Want to help us out? Here’s how!

Looking to help us grow? Well, we’ve got six things to help Aaron keep the lights on in his house. Two don’t even cost anything and only requires a couple of clicks or presses.

Now some of you may be a little apprehensive about supporting Mobile Reviews Eh! because you might think they’re we’re just “trolling” for cash but check out the photo below. This is what happens when reach rock bottom and you can only spend $50 on food a week.

our milestoneS

Videos made
Youtube Subscribers
1 +
Hours Spent making reviews
1 +

So are you ready to help us change the world? or at the very least help us pay for some of Monty’s food?

Be nice to our site

Almost 50% of our revenue comes from ads. As much as we dislike ads, it is an important facet of the brand (for now). So if you’re using an ad-blocker, consider white-listing our site. We promise that we won’t load the site with too many ads, or having annoying autoplay videos or pop-ups that are the equivalent of being smacked in the face while you eat a bowl of ice cream.

Share our stuff

To friends, family, on Facebook, Twitter and anywhere else that you can. Google ranks sites that are “socially” active better than ones that aren’t. If you found an interesting case or found one of our videos useful or funny, considering sharing it on Twitter or on Facebook!

Go to Amazon through my website

Consider going to Amazon through our site. Affiliate commissions is a great way to support us. We get credited for any purchases you make from Amazon. Click here to head straight to Amazon right now!

Get a T-Shirt

They’re pretty comfy and look pretty cool.


We’re setup to accept one-time donations through Paypal.

Become a PAtreon

Patreon is a little different. Its a crowdsourcing platform but instead of pledging a large sum up front, you pay us small amounts per month. We’ve been on Patreon for a while but we’ve simplified the pledge levels. The highest level will give you access to Aaron’s personal friends list on Facebook. Most of Aaron’s non-review videos end up on his Facebook page.

That’s all we got. Thanks for the support!

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