Protect your iPhone from drops with a case that you can crumple in your hand?
[toggle title=”Watch our RhinoShield Crash Guard Review on YouTube!”]
Today we’re going to review the Rhinoshield by Evolutive labs. This is an incredibly thin and lightweight iPhone case/bumper that claims to protect your iPhone 6 and 6 Plus from heights up to 11.5 ft. If this wasn’t enough, it comes with a super strong screen protector that you can use with a hammer!
We really like this bumper as it allows you to show off most of your iPhone in all its glory without compromising any sort of protection but there are things to note in terms of the fit and subsequently dust protection. It does improve the handling of your iPhone inside the bumper and 11.5 ft drop protection.
Based on our time with this case, we gave it a score of 4.6 Eh’s out of 5. Out of the 3 dozen cases that we’ve reviewed, the Rhinoshield Crash Guard is the highest rated iPhone case/bumper that we’ve reviewed to date. It handily defeats the Tech 21 Classic shell, the Thule Atmos X3 and the Griffin Survivor Core. In terms of drop protection, the only other case that offers over 10 ft drop protection is the Ballistic Hardcore but at 3 times the size. If you’d rather read the rest of this review, head over to our website and if you want to see all the cases we’ve reviewed, check out our comparison tool. If you’d rather read the rest of this review, check out our website and if you want to see how this case fares against other cases, check out our handy comparison tool.
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Design – Air compartments, honey combs and custom polymers?
In terms of design, this is one of the thinnest iPhone cases out there. Technically, its really just a bumper and this technically should put it at a disadvantage when compared to a full body case but it doesn’t. The bumper fits decently and holds up well after being bumped around a bit but we did notice a bit of give along the sides of the bumper. This shouldn’t be a concern for most people but we do believe it will offer slightly less dust protection than other cases which we will elaborate below.
Lastly, the bumper is rubbery enough that you can put it down on a table and its not going to slide off easily. At MobileReviews-Eh, we try to keep out all the marketing fluff but with the Crash Guard being able to be dropped from 11.5 ft, we figured we’d mention that the bumper is made from custom formulated polymers, a honey-comb structure that dissipates shock and the case has air pressure compartments that act like airbags.
Protection – Will definitely protect your iPhone’s touchscreen
With the Crash Guard, Evolutive Labs specifics two different drop heights. For the iPhone 5/5S version, the case can be dropped from a height of 25 ft. while for the iPhone 6 and 6 Plus, the height is only 11.5 ft. We had a bit of trouble doing the torture tests for this case as its difficult to find an area that allows me to drop anything from a height of 11.5 safely.
Now, for the screen protection, we went through the mini-drop test kit that Rhinoshield sent us (45 gram steel ball drop) which it passed so we took it one step further and tested the screen protector with our 200g ball (named Bertha). It survived but it did leave a small dent on the back of the iPhone.
On our actual iPhone 6 Plus, we dropped Bertha, our 200g steel ball from a height of 24 inches and the screen didn’t break which is quite impressive. The same test broke our iPhone 6 Plus screen at 18 inches. As you’ve seen in our review video, the screen protector is quite impact resistant as the hammering it took didn’t leave a mark.
In terms of drop protection, we dropped the Rhinoguard Crash Shield from a height of almost 11 ft and the first time, landed almost back first and the iPhone was fine. The second corner drop did result in the iPhone bending a bit but we’ve been using it since and functionally, it still works.
So we’ll leave it up to you if you think the RhinoShield Crash Guard protected the iPhone 6 Plus. The device works but is damaged slightly. One of the things is to consider that dropping your iPhone from 11.5 ft is not normal, that the average person using this bumper isn’t going to do that.
Functionality – It gets the job done
In terms of accessing your iPhone, we didn’t have an issues with it. The only thing that we noted that the cutout for the lightning port wasn’t compatible with our Awesome Cables as it was a smidge too small. The Amazon basics cable, which is also a large cable does fit through the cutout. In terms of accessing the buttons on your iPhone, the Rhinoshield Crashguard has some decent buttons on the bumper that allow you to get to those buttons without any issue.
In terms of screen access, the actual bumper doesn’t get in the way. With that being said, we did have a couple of issues with the screen protector which we wont’ go into details here as we have a separate review for the screen protector.
The last thing we’ll talk about in terms of functionality is how your iPhone handles in the bumper. The edge of the bumper provides your iPhone with a bit more texture so it’s easier to hold in one hand which we like. Basically, it allow you to keep the thinness of the iPhone while keeping it protected.
Have questions about our RhinoShield Crash Guard Review Review for the iPhone 6/6 Plus? Please ask them on our Google+ page or on our Facebook page.

March 3, 2015 at 6:57 am
Thanks for all your reviews, they are the best! I have been holding off buying a case for my new iphone 6 Plus and now I am going to buy this Rhino Shield Crash Guard after watching your review.
jojo 69 france
January 31, 2016 at 3:28 pm
Hi, i Just wanna tell You that i love love love your reviews and thanks to your review on the rhinoshield crash guard i’m going to buy on. I’ll pass by your Amazon link!;) I have the thule atmos x5 too which i bought thanks to your review too. Another time thanks for your reviews Aaron i love them and lisses
jojo 69 france
January 31, 2016 at 3:33 pm
Sorry Nicola Just a mistake
Sarah franklin
March 5, 2015 at 2:13 pm
Hi! I am loving your reviews and videos of iPhone 6 cases. I have the tech 21 mesh case and yesterday I dropped my phone (I’ve dropped it many times before but yesterday was my unlucky day) and my screen shattered. Do you know if tech21 guarantees against breakage? I can’t find info anywhere on their site. Now, after watching many of your videos and reading your reviews I may be interested in the rhino shield case. The link for your video keeps taking me to the tech 21 mesh video. Do you mind emailing me a link to the proper video? I’ll be sure to click the Amazon link on your page when I make my decision. Thanks a bunch! ( I really love your review style: informative, fun and succinct. I will be sharing your videos for sure!) We are snowed in, in Dallas today.
March 6, 2015 at 12:35 am
Video link goes to the Tech21 case
April 2, 2016 at 7:25 am
Spigen ultra hybrid tech or rhino bumper??
Can you help me decide before i kill myself????
Aaron Ho
April 2, 2016 at 4:39 pm
Hybrid Tech…handles better than the Bumper.
March 11, 2015 at 8:11 am
From your past experiences which device do you think is best to pre order/ order nuuud or lunatik aquatik
Quality wise because you probably don’t have them on hand
I’m a big fan keep up the good work
March 18, 2015 at 5:43 pm
Please please help! I have watched a ton of your reviews and love many different cases. I am pretty sure I will get this case for my new iphone 6+. I wanted to get the lunatik extreme for my husbands new iphone 6 but they don’t have it and the 360 is a preorder. He is a diesel mechanic and works in very very dusty areas. I need something that has good dust protection and probably water protection. Any suggestions?
Aaron Ho
March 20, 2015 at 2:50 pm
Check out everything we have for waterproof iPhone 6 cases:
Those are you best bet for all around protection. I don’t think the Rhinoshield will hold up well in really dusty areas since the sides of the bumper aren’t that stuff and have a bit of flex.
March 21, 2015 at 7:25 pm
Great review for a great case, er bumper. It’s light, doesn’t brick your phone, and I’m confident with the drop test rating. Bought a white and an orange for my white 6 Plus and couldn’t be happier. Best case with the runner up being the UAG’s. Thanks for the review!
Chris Brooker
March 23, 2015 at 3:55 pm
Since this is just a bumper what protects the back of your phone, is the guard raised high enough that the back doesn’t touch the concrete? Also is this bumper only made for IPhones ?
Aaron Ho
March 26, 2015 at 3:20 pm
The edges are high enough to keep the iPhone off a flat surface for the front and back. We had the model that came with front/back protectors which are quite impact resistant.
March 24, 2015 at 12:31 pm
Hey Aaron, absolutely love your reviews, FINALLY some genuine testing being done! I’m getting the iPhone 6+ and bit unsure as to what case to get. I currently have a samsung s4 with otter box defender and I did really like it. However a friend has the iPhone 6 with the defender and has complained about the screen usability which is a big no no for me. I don’t really want a massive bulky case this time which is why I’m not going for a ballistic/griffin ones, but from your reviews it looks like rhino shield is the best thin protective one? I’m a very clumsy person so my drops will around from 3-4ft when I’m walking with my phone in my hand (as I’m quite short) so does the rhino shield have raised sides to protect the screen? Bit worried I’ll break the phone, what would you recommend I do?
Thank you!!!
Aaron Ho
March 26, 2015 at 3:18 pm
The Crash Guard does have decent edges to the bumper. If you install the front/back protectors (the $50 dollar package on their site), the iPhone’s going to be fine.
Lou Strickland
March 25, 2015 at 6:24 am
When I selected the “Watch our RhinoShield Crash Guard review on You Tube” link above, the link took me to the Tech 21 Evo Mesh review instead.
Aaron Ho
March 26, 2015 at 3:17 pm
Thx. I’ve updated the link.
March 30, 2015 at 4:03 am
What is better 50 $ rhino case or tech 21 classic case
Aaron Ho
March 30, 2015 at 2:22 pm
It’s a bit of a tossup. The Rhinoshield is tougher and will feel thinner but the Classic Shell will be much grippier.
April 2, 2015 at 8:59 pm
Hi, I am seriously considering the rhinoshield for the Iphone 6. Suppose I buy only the bumber will it be sufficient to prevent damage to the screen if the phone is droped 6 feet ? I don’t like the fact that the screen protector can peel easily and just for the screen it is another 25$ extra,
Aaron Ho
April 3, 2015 at 4:08 pm
It should be fine unless you drop it on rough ground (gravel) where the edge of the bumper isn’t high enough to keep the iPhone’s touchscreen from hitting the ground.
April 3, 2015 at 3:55 am
is the rhinoshield bumber enough (whitout the screen protector) to prevent damage on the screen even with a 6 foot drop ?
Thank you for your great awesome reviews.
April 16, 2015 at 8:40 am
I love your reviews and website! Great work!
Do you happen to know if the Holy Grail screen protector can be used with the Rhinoshield bumper?
Based on your reviews this seems like the optimal combination :D.
Aaron Ho
April 16, 2015 at 1:42 pm
They will fit together.
May 7, 2015 at 5:44 pm
Just bought that combo -rhino shield and holy grail-based on your reviews! They should arrive tomorrow. I can’t wait to get out of this otterbox! Thanks! I will let you know how it goes!
Dominike m
April 24, 2015 at 8:13 pm
What’s up man. I really like your reviews. Tons of great info. I have a iPhone 6 plus, and I a tempered glass screen protector on it. With the tech 21 patriot case fit my phone with my glass screen protector on it. If I was to remove the screen protector that the patriot comes with
Aaron Ho
April 25, 2015 at 10:51 pm
It might work but the front cradle that the iPhone sits in is pretty flimsy so I’m not sure it will hold up well without having the screen protector hold it all together.
May 1, 2015 at 5:18 am
Hi thanks for the wonderful reviews!
Did you find that the white case changed color? I wear black jeans and always have that issue!
May 13, 2015 at 12:25 am
Hi Aaron, I’d like to know if I decided to buy this bumper case without the screen protectors and just use the super thin case from Peel as its back cover, will it fit?
Aaron Ho
May 14, 2015 at 2:39 am
It might…the bumper has a bit of give so something might be able to fit between the bumper and the iPhone.
June 7, 2015 at 12:08 pm
Thanks for the great real world reviews. I bought a couple of Rhinoshields in different colors after your review and researching a bit more. It’s the best protection for my case I’ve had. I haven’t dropped it yet (knock on wood) but am quite confident this would do it’s job. It took two tries but I finally got the back protector to stay on right and not peel up at the edges and I use a Zagg Glass protector on the front cause I don’t like plastic-y feeling screen protectors. Anyway thanks for all your reviews. I’ve bought a couple of cases before this one based on your reviews… Thanks and keep it up!
June 20, 2015 at 9:52 am
Which slim IPhone 6 case would you recomend that best protects the screeen from shattering. This is a common problem I have had with previous phones when they have been dropped and landed face down. I have had a look at lots of your reviews and was wondering if you could recomend which case would be best to prevent the screen shattering
Aaron Ho
June 22, 2015 at 2:48 pm
I’d check out the Ballistic Urbanite. Its quite grippy, has large corners that provides a lot of clearance for the iPhone.
July 9, 2015 at 7:11 pm
Separate review for the screen protector….WHERE? i looked everywhere and you keep saying we reviewed the screen else where but i don’t see it anywhere. What are the cons?
Aaron Ho
July 9, 2015 at 8:12 pm
Here it is:
July 21, 2015 at 2:59 am
does the bumper extend past the screen and past the back of the phone? if so, how big is the lip?
July 30, 2015 at 5:52 am
I saw the video where you bent the iphone 6. This case should do little to protect from bending, right? Based off of this review, I think I will buy rhinoshield, but my husband needs to have something that will support the back of his phone so that it won’t get bent in his pocket. Would this be ok? What would you suggest?
Aaron Ho
July 30, 2015 at 8:50 pm
The only two cases that I know that will protect from bending are:,31/armond-aluminum-case-vs-draco-design-aluminum-bumper/
They are aluminum bumpers and I tried my hardest to bend them and I couldn’t. All the other ones I’ve reviewed will do very little to protect from bending.
James Katt
September 6, 2015 at 4:41 pm
I love how protective the Rhinoshield case is. However, the rear protector for the iPhone makes the iPhone look enormously cheap and ugly. It is bad. They should have made the rear protector an integrated protector such as on the RooCase GlacialTough, not a separate plastic sticker. Yuck. I huge turn off.
September 21, 2015 at 6:04 pm
Hey Aaron the Ho! Love your page and videos… Had a quick question.
Can I use this case with any screen protector? I’ve been looking at a curved glass spigen model. will that not fit?
Let me know!
Aaron Ho
September 23, 2015 at 2:07 pm
It should be fine.
Charles R. Moran
October 19, 2015 at 2:58 am
Dear Aaron Ho,
Thank You for the reviews of the RhinoShield Crash Guard case and the Cinder glass screen protector. You have convinced me to purchase both for my new upcoming Apple iPhone 6S purchase. My question is: if I purchase the RhinoShield Crash Guard case (bumper only) and the Cinder screen protector will they fit and function together properly. I believe that if this is a functional fit that it would be the BEST iPhone case/screen protector combination currently available.
Thank you for your time and consideration of this request for information.
Respectfully submitted.
Aaron Ho
October 20, 2015 at 1:18 pm
The two do not fit together…I’ve tried many times so you’ll have to pick one or the other.
October 23, 2015 at 5:09 am
What cases work w/ Cinder?
What screen protectors would you recommend that work w/ RhinoShieldCrash?
Aaron Ho
October 23, 2015 at 2:18 pm
I’d check with Cupert for a full list of compatible cases. With the crash guard, I’d stick with screen protectors that cover only the touchable area…I couldn’t get the Cinder to fit properly with the bumper.
The Sir Lancelot Holy Grail is a good option.
October 24, 2015 at 10:00 pm
Your site is clearly the best for case reviews on the web. It’s invaluable.
After much deliberation, I’m still undecided about which case to go for when I buy my iPhone 6s. I currently have an OtterBox defender from my iPhone for which suffers badly from the problems you describe about us getting between the case on the phone. Definitely don’t want to go that that route again.
I’d just like a case that can give me complete peace of mind with young children around, so drop-proof and ideally water resistant.
I had thought I would go for the lifeproof nuud, which I am very happy with for my work iPhone 5S, but have read lots of reviews on Amazon about callers being unable to hear you on the other end of the phone and flaps breaking off for the iPhone 6 version.
I then thought I would go for the Rhino Shield Crashguard bumper but, again, I will let read lots of reviews on Amazon about the case splitting after a few weeks or months of use.
So now I am considering the Rhino Shield play proof but the link to your review on your website appears to be broken.
Would you mind sending me this by email? It’s letting me have your thoughts?
Many thanks
London, United Kingdom
Aaron Ho
October 26, 2015 at 1:18 pm
The review is up…was finished last night. Let me know if you have any questions.
Alexa Hernandez
October 27, 2015 at 12:46 am
Do you think if I bought this case, it would fit my phone with the Cinder screen protector on? Or will the Rhinoshield case be affecting the screen protector or not fit?
I would really like to try this case out but I am just worried it won’t be compatible with Cinder.
(I’ve checked Cupert website on what cases are compatible but none of those cases meet my taste in style or type of protection, so I am in a dilemma)
Aaron Ho
October 27, 2015 at 2:24 pm
It won’t work with the Cinder. I’ve given it several tries and there is always a corner that pops up on the 6s versions.
Alexa Hernandez
October 27, 2015 at 1:00 am
Wait. Wow I’m so dumb, I mixed this one up with the Playproof case.
I just happened to accidentally comment on the wrong review since I’m trying to do my research on phone cases that could give me the protection I need and also work with Cinder!
I’m sure Crashguard fits since its on their website but I meant to ask and clarify with you if Playproof was incompatible with Cinder.
Also, do you know of any other iPhone 6 cases that could potentially work besides the ones listed?
My apologies and thank you.
Aaron Ho
October 27, 2015 at 2:25 pm
I’m not sure about the Playproof. THe edges are pretty rigid but its a bit more forgiving when it comes to to tucking in the screen protector.
Oliver Gravel
November 7, 2015 at 9:37 pm
I’m tempted by the rhinoShield Crash Guard but I would like to install it with a Cinder screen protector on my 6s….. reading from your review the two are not compatible. However, on Cupert’s website it states that are … false publicity ?? Thank you for your time, really great website !!
Aaron Ho
November 9, 2015 at 4:36 pm
I couldn’t get the two to fit and I’ve tried many times. With two Cinder’s.
Oliver Gravel
November 9, 2015 at 4:47 pm
Thanks for your reply. I think the problem is with the 6s since it is 0.2 mm thicker than than the 6 version (the added depth is due to the 3D touch sensors from what I gathered…..) I cancelled my order for the Cinder because there is a very limited range of cases that fit with the Cinder installed on the 6s.
Keep up the good work 🙂
Will Taylor
November 10, 2015 at 9:02 pm
Love the reviews. Subbed on YouTube as well. Big fan of your honesty and frankness.
Quick question: I know you go through metric tons of cases for your constant reviews, but that does mean that you’re a bit short on long-term reliability of products, right? Case in point: I was seriously considering the RhinoShield Crash Guard, but there are lots of Amazon reviews popping up of these bumpers falling apart after extended use AND the company having poor customer service.
Any thoughts?
Thanks again for everything,
Aaron Ho
November 14, 2015 at 7:49 pm
Yes, I fall short on long-term reliability in terms of scoring though I do take into account viewers comments over time. Rhinoshield does have a warranty program…I’ve never had to deal with their customer service so I’m no sure about that.
November 18, 2015 at 12:15 pm
Thanks for the reply! (Sorry about the double post.)
November 12, 2015 at 5:26 pm
I posted a question yesterday, but it doesn’t appear to have stuck or was deleted.
I love the site and subbed on YouTube, but I am concerned about longevity/durabilityresults not being factored into your reviews. You push out a lot of content, which is fantastic, but because you’re constantly trying out new cases, I would imagine you don’t have much data on how cases hold up long-term?
To the point: there are a growing number of negative reviews on Amazon regarding the RhinoShield breaking down after several months of use and RhinoShield’s customer service being non-responsive or apathetic.
Thanks again. Thoughts?
Aaron Ho
November 14, 2015 at 7:51 pm
Replied to the first one. I’m not terribly quick with responding…
December 4, 2015 at 2:43 am
I have a 6s plus with the playproof currently but i dont necessarily like the case because i feel like its just not a good case for such a big phone, so i am wanting to buy the crashguard. Would i be able to use the crashguard with no screen or back protectors and it still be strong?
Aaron Ho
December 4, 2015 at 3:17 pm
December 26, 2015 at 3:33 pm
If you didn’t want to use either the front or the back screen protector because I want a more “authentic” iPhone experience wil this case still provide protection. Or is its 11m drop test rating only legit if it is with the front and back protector?
January 1, 2016 at 8:56 pm
I concur with the need for follow up regarding durability and customer service. Based on the enthusiastic review here, I bought two of these bumper/shield combos. One of the bumpers began losing its surface coating (bubbling up and flaking off) after less than a week of use. The other developed a brown stain after about two weeks. The response from customer service was to provide replacements for 30% of the cost of the new units.
I strongly advise AGAINST the purchase of this product.
Aaron Ho
January 6, 2016 at 4:33 pm
Sorry to hear about the poor experience with Evolutive Labs. I’m a little disappointed to hear that this is still happening. I’ve been told by them that their official policy is to offer complete replacements + the cost of shipping.
I also know that the Crashguards have been updated since September 2015 to take into account the bubbling/flaking. If its not too late, I’d suggest contacting their support again with these facts. Feel free to reference my site and this comment.
January 11, 2016 at 1:16 am
Aaron The 1st Time I Saw The RhinoShield Crash Guard Was On Your Review Video With Bertha. I Read Every Review I Could Find From People Who Had Bought The Rhinoshield Crash Guard Bundles Between Amazon And Kickstarter Website. Not Many People Have Anything Very Good To Say About RhinoShield Crash Guard. I Was Going To Buy The Case After Watching Your Review. But I Won’t Buy From A Company That Doesn’t Care About Taking Care Of Their Unhappy Customers. Just Brushing Them Aside, And Not Caring About Their Products Falling Apart Is Not Good Business. Don’t They Know Reviews Count, And In The End Can Hurt Their Business. Hopefully Everyone Reviews 1st Before They Buy A Cellphone Case I Know I Do. Thank Goodness The Customers Put Reviews To Make Others Be Aware Of Their Cases Coming Apart. The Wrong Size Case Can Be A Different Story. But I Only Read 1 Of Those Reviews. I Wanted To Send You This Message Because I Thought You Might Want To Know Considering You & Bertha Give Them Good Reviews On The Drop Tests. And Others Buy Cases Because Of Your Reviews. Free Advertisement For Them, That Helps Them Get Customers Every Day When Others Watch Your Videos. Thank You In Advance For Your Reply.
Aaron Ho
January 13, 2016 at 5:26 pm
Thx for the comment. I have three Crashguards on iPhones of friends and families and I have yet to see any of the issues described in all the bad comments. I will wait a few more weeks before updating the review, depending on the outcome of the usage of the products.
January 11, 2016 at 2:47 am
Aaron I Just Love Your Video Reviews Especially The 1 With Your Dad, He Is Very Cool. I Have Been Reading Good Stuff On Tech 21. How Good Is Tech 21 & Which Tech 21 Is The Best On The Drop Test Like 50-75 Ft. High Up? Thank You In Advance, Jennifer
Aaron Ho
January 13, 2016 at 5:27 pm
Tech 21 has very average cases. I haven’t found one that I really like of theirs. Their Classic Check is probably their best case…the new Evo’s scratch too easily and the Evo Elite has warping at the bottom that exposes the bottom of the iPhone.
I don’t think they’ll fare well in a 50-75ft high drop.
January 29, 2016 at 5:57 pm
Hi Aaron
After reading your reviews I have decided to purchase the cinder screen protector for my iPhone 6s Plus. Will the cinder work with Speck candyshellmightyshell grip cases?
Aaron Ho
February 1, 2016 at 3:06 pm
Great choice though check with Cupert to make sure it works with the Mightshell. It might not.
February 1, 2016 at 5:17 pm
Sorry I meant does Cinder work with CandyShell Grip cases? Have you tried the two together?
jojo 69 france
January 31, 2016 at 3:31 pm
Just wanna tell You that i love love love your reviews and thanks to your review on the rhinoshield crash guard i’m going to buy on. I’ll pass by your Amazon link!;) I have the thule atmos x5 too which i bought thanks to your review too. Another time thanks for your reviews Aaron i love them and kisses from France!;)
Aaron Ho
February 1, 2016 at 3:05 pm
Thx for the comment!
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