Need a slim, incredibly tough iPhone case without the bulk? The SolidSuit is that case!
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Rhinoshield SolidSuit Review – That’s it. We’ve quit reviewing cases because the SolidSuit is PERFECT
Today we’re going to do our Rhinoshield SolidSuit Review for the iPhone 6(s+). The leather version of the SolidSuit is the BEST case for all versions of the iPhone 6. It’s slim, grippy and will provide an incredible amount of drop protection for your iPhone at 11 ft.
For our SolidSuit Review, we’ve given the leather versions a score of 4.8 Eh’s out of 5. It loses 0.2 of a mark because it’s not incredibly stupidly thin, just stupidly thin and it will show wear and tear a little quicker if you’re rough with your iPhone. The Honeycomb and Carbon Fibre versions score a little lower than the leather version with scores of 4.6 Eh’s out of 5 which is the same score we gave the Rhinoshield Playproof.
If you’re interested in finding out what else we’ve reviewed of Evolutive Labs, check our reviews of the Playproof, Crashguard, and their Impact Protection screen protectors (we did a comparison with Bertha, our 200g stainless steel ball between the Impact Protection and a regular tempered glass screen protector). If you’re curious to know what we think are the best products for your iPhone, check out our “Best of the Best” post!
Design – Slim, grippy (some are) but will wear quicker than other cases

The design of the Rhinoshield SolidSuit, as similar as they are to the Playproof’s are different. The process to fuse the the different exteriors is completely different (as we’ve been told).
The Carbon Fibre version has a neat texture to it; the Honeycomb is a relatively transparent case, and the SolidSuit Leather version isn’t made from real leather which might be a deal breaker for some people who like fancy things. Evolutive Labs has told us that the fake leather is way more environmentally friendly than real leather which is important to them.
We will note that the Leather and Carbon Fibre SolidSuits have a shiny ring around the camera cutout that doesn’t exist on the Playproof’s. We don’t think it adds to the functionality of the case, but it’s something different.
Every version of the SolidSuit will start showing wear and tear after a drop which isn’t great, but the damage doesn’t take away from the drop protection it provides for the devices. The Honeycomb version will hide wear and tear a bit easier and is also the only SolidSuit that will allow you to showcase the colour of your iPhone.
From a texture perspective, the Honeycomb and Carbon Fibre versions are quite slick, so your big iPhone 6+’s are going to feel a bit like a wet bar of soap. The leather SolidSuit is the complete opposite. There’s quite a bit of texture to the case which makes it perfect for one-handed usage. It has such an excellent grip, but isn’t as grippy as our favourite grippy case the Speck Candyshell Grip.
Protection – Seriously, who would drop an iPhone from 11ft?
Evolutive Labs has been a rockstar when it comes to protection. We’ve dropped the Crashguard from 10 ft, the Playproof 40 times with heights ranging from 3-11 ft and the iPhone’s are fine. During our review period, we had no reason to doubt that the SolidSuit wouldn’t protect your iPhone from any normal drop.
Functionality – Like its almost not there

Accessing your iPhone 6(s+) inside the SolidSuit is great as there is nothing that gets in the way. The cutouts are large enough for larger than average cables and the buttons are easy to locate and press.
Accessing the screen is excellent as well, and the SolidSuit might work well with edge-to-edge screen protectors. We know that our highest rated glass screen protector, the Winnergear Topaz will cooperate with the SolidSuit. If you need a stronger screen protector, check out their Impact protection. They’ve come out with a new version that we’re currently reviewing, and it feels quite close to glass screen protectors.
Have questions about our Rhinoshield SolidSuit Review for Mobile Reviews Eh!? Please ask them below, or on our Google+ page or our Facebook page or our About Us page. To stay up to date on everything we’re doing, check out our Twitter and Instagram feeds!

Larry Oliver
June 13, 2016 at 3:45 am
Amazon does not have the Solidsuit cases listed, or any of the three new ones reviewed here.
Aaron Ho
June 13, 2016 at 3:57 pm
I’m checking with Evolutive Labs to see when they are going to have Amazon stock.
Larry Oliver
June 14, 2016 at 2:26 am
I wish you had the link like their screen protector for Evolution Labs, I wound up ordering there based on your review. With a shipping estimate of mid to late June.
April 6, 2017 at 5:37 pm
any update?
I would love to buy the solidsuit leather you reviewed but can’t find it anywhere.
amazon says no leather.
can you tell me where you got yours?
Many thanks
June 13, 2016 at 4:04 am
This is a great review, I agree with your bold statement. I am absolutely in love with the carbon fiber’s look although the leather is good too. I am indecisive between the two finishes. How slick is the carbon fiber finish? Is it comparable to the naked back of an iPhone 6? I have quite sweaty palms and fingers. Will this increase the grip or worsen it? Are the edges just enough for one handed usage?
It’d be great if you could add a bit more on the grip section comparing the leather & carbon fiber ones. Having a ‘Grip-o-meter’ would be neat!
Aaron Ho
June 13, 2016 at 4:00 pm
Sweaty palms might improve the grip on the Carbon Fiber. From my perspective, the Carbon Fiber is a little slicker than the back of a naked iPhone.
Bruno Serrano Trejo
June 13, 2016 at 6:02 pm
I love your reviews and because of you I decided to buy the Cinder screen protector. The screen protector is great buy I still haven found a nice case that fits with the cinder. Does the cinder fit Solid Suit or what other case would you recommend me?
Thank you very much!
Aaron Ho
June 14, 2016 at 3:50 pm
I would contact Cinder’s customer service for a full list of compatible cases. I don’t have any Cinder’s on my iPhone’s anymore so I can’t really say if one will work or not. Sorry.
Justin Jewell
June 26, 2016 at 3:51 pm
Cinder fits with my RhinoShield CrashGuard case. There is a small air bubble section in the bottom left hand corner, but that’s it. MAX protection. So, Cinder will probably work but it takes awhile to get the case and screen protector to perfectly align.
January 13, 2017 at 4:24 am
If you have good edge protection/ coverage by your case, then you can “pull your screen protector coverage back” just a little using the Eclipse version of cinder, by same company: Cupert. Exactly same material properties, just allows a little space so case doesn’t lift the glass.
June 21, 2016 at 2:51 am
Aaron, I bought the Z Carbon 3D screen protector for Iphone 6S. Have you ever tested it? I am looking for a review to know if it fits on Rinoshield Carbon.
Great review, congrats for the professionalism!
June 24, 2016 at 5:21 pm
Aaron Hi.I’m writing to you from russia so sorry for my mistakes in english:)
Based on your reviews i decided to buy Rhinoshield SolidSuit but i don’t know what to buy for screen.Rhinoshield Impact Protection or Winnergear Topaz?may be you can recommend me something?
Thanks in advance for your reply
June 24, 2016 at 7:47 pm
Aaron, I bought Rhinoshield SolidSuit but i don’t know what would be better for protecting the screen of iphone?What would you recommend me?
June 25, 2016 at 2:32 am
Hi Aaron, great review and if you say it’s the best then I’m inclined to get the leather version. However I have an important question! Did you ever look at the i-Blason armorbox? I got one of them when I received my new iPhone 6s Plus. Dropped it about a hundred times from 3 feet and the phone and case are still like new. But it’s ugly.
I drop my phone a couple of times every week and despite your good reputation I’m still a tiny bit hesitant to get the SolidSuit case as it looks so thin in comparison. Does it really offer the same level of crash protection as the i-Blason Armorbox?
Thanks! Kind regards, Peter
June 25, 2016 at 5:10 pm
Evolutive Labs shows the Solid Suit as “pre order”…meaning it’s not currently a shipping product. That would have been good to make clear in the review (or that they should have made clear to you). Otherwise, it DOES look like something I want to replace my aging Pelican Voyager case (which has exactly the drawbacks that you mention…) Thanks for the review!
June 30, 2016 at 9:15 pm
Is the solid suit worth the extra $15 and the 6 week wait? The play proof looks solid but I’m willing to wait if you think it’s worth it. I’m currently using an apple leather case, I’m not a fan of it.
June 30, 2016 at 9:52 pm
Also, I’d like to use my magnetic car mount. Is this case solid in the back or is it soft? With the NGP the magnet is visible or causes a bulge.
July 1, 2016 at 6:14 pm
I have the honeycomb case for my Iphone 6. I have been looking for a “clear” case that protects but doesn’t yellow over time. They claim to have done it with this case but after almost 2 months of use, I am noticing a bit of discoloration on the rubbery front of the case and it has shown some bluing around the edges from being in my jeans pocket. The matte/frosted finish on the back is wearing/scratching off too – ironically adding a bit more grip. Wondering if that happened with your honeycomb product and maybe mine is different because it was through kickstarter. I’m hoping they’ve changed it.
I do tell all my friends about Rhinoshield and I have another playproof case that I love. I also recommend your site when anyone asks me how I research iphone cases! Thank you!
July 15, 2016 at 1:02 pm
Recently discovered your website. Love the comprehensive reviews and comparisons. Based on your rave review about the Solidsuit, I went to their website yesterday to pre-order one. This morning I got an email that it has shipped. So it looks like they are now available, at least through their own website, if not Amazon. By the way, I ordered the dark navy leather case.
Larry Oliver
August 7, 2016 at 5:03 pm
I make all of my iPhone 6 plus case buys based on your reviews, which are the best on the web as far as I’m concerned. Keep up the good work! Can’t wait for the Evolutive Labs Solid Suits to become available, last I looked it was in September for a shipping date.
August 10, 2016 at 1:55 am
I just preordered the solidsuit leather with the screen protector and cable for my 6s plus. I can’t wait to get it in the mail next month. Thanks for the review!
August 12, 2016 at 3:35 am
In terms of thinness, are the leather, honeycomb and carbon fiber exactly the same?
August 12, 2016 at 3:41 am
Sorry, one more question…how thin are the SolidSuit compared to the Playproof?
Brandon Jonathan
October 9, 2016 at 7:51 am
Hey Aaron just checking to see if evolutive have sent you a sample for the 7+ solid suite.
Held off buying it for my 6 because I was getting the 7+ and now I’m stuck with a crappy cheap case til I can buy the solid suite.
Wondering what your first thoughts are
Aaron Ho
October 9, 2016 at 10:13 am
I’ve only seen the Crashguard for the iPhone 7. Which is identical to the Crashguard for the iPhone 6.
I don’t think any case manufacturer is really changing their general case designs for the iPhone 7. I’ve noticed a few slight changes but the product remains largely the same between all the different phones.
November 13, 2016 at 3:26 pm
The best case you cannot buy? It appears from the comments that the ship date keeps gettting pushed back. Here it is mid November and it’s still not available……sigh. 🙁
Aaron Ho
November 14, 2016 at 5:53 pm
I think the end of this month for the SolidSuits.
December 30, 2016 at 8:05 am
Still not available on their site, and 2016 is coming to a close… I guess “coming soon” is a relative term.
Looks like you’ll be able to continue reviewing other cases for a while…
Michelle Martinez
December 31, 2016 at 7:14 pm
I was excited to find this review for the perfect balance of toughness and sleek design. As a first time IPhone user with the 6s its been exhausting trying to find the perfect case. I saw a video on the Ballistic tactical case made by you and another dropped from a tall tower and seems the most durable although the bulk is inconvenient. As the first time ever spending so much on a phone I want it to be protected. I was disappointed to see that the rhinoshield solid suit has yet to come out. I can’t find it anywhere! It’s New Year’s Eve already! As much of a bummer that this is I wanted to know which cases you can recommend that are in the same league as this one? Also it is near impossible to find a tough case and being able to showcase the rose gold color of the iPhone..
January 4, 2017 at 5:58 am
Love your reviews. Im still waiting to order one 🙁 i eant thst carbon one so bad
January 13, 2017 at 8:36 pm
FYI for all regarding SolidSuit (at least for iPhone 6s)
Upon my latest conversation with them 1/12/17…..
“…..The good news is that the SolidSuit will be released shortly by Feb on our site for official ordering.
Be sure to sign up to get notified of when….”
Best regards,
Alex – RhinoShield Customer Service Rep.
January 16, 2017 at 11:20 am
They keep saying that month after month since they advertised the case
January 23, 2017 at 7:33 am
Hi, what screen protector they include with solid suite leather case?
Aaron Ho
January 23, 2017 at 3:59 pm
None. You have to buy them separately.
January 23, 2017 at 10:13 pm
But you are write screen protector included
February 13, 2017 at 9:22 pm
Rhinoshield website states shipping by end of January 2017.
Rhinoshield rep tells me on their own site’s chat feature that they anticipate shipping SolidSuit for iPhone 7 in 2 weeks as of early February.
No responses to inquiries on company Facebook page.
Website recently stated they are “working hard” to have it ready by the “end of Spring.”
Seems to be just kicking the can. This is extremely frustrating. Be up front with your customers.
March 26, 2017 at 12:22 am
Mean to say:
I’ve been getting the same line from customer serivce of “coming soon”. They’ve been telling me 2 weeks since December and now it’s the end of March. I’ve tried the playproof for the iphone 7 and the fit and finish are outstanding but it’s just too bloody slippery. I figured the solidsuit in “leather” with extra grip would be ideal but I’m quickly losing faith in a company that just keeps stringing its customers along. Makes me think they’ve found some kind of issue with the solidsuit and have essentially pulled it from the market to avoid a hit to their reputation.
Aaron Ho
March 28, 2017 at 12:37 pm
I do feel the same way but I’ve been in contact with their company and they are saying it is coming out. We’ll see.
May 18, 2017 at 2:09 pm
Cases are out now. Any thoughts on the brushed steel version?
Aaron Ho
May 18, 2017 at 3:42 pm
Not yet. I’ll see what I can about that.
April 20, 2017 at 10:22 am
Hello! I don’t have enough money, but need the SOLIDSUIT LEATHER badly! When is it coming out! PLEASE!
May 17, 2017 at 4:47 pm
The cases are finally for sale on evolutive’s website. However, they have a new option. Brushed steel. Are you going to review that one as well? I was going to get the leather but saw this new choice and now I can’t decide. I can’t find any reviews on it either. Please help!
Aaron Ho
May 18, 2017 at 3:42 pm
I’ll check it out.
June 22, 2017 at 4:28 pm
Looks like they no longer offer it in “leather”. Too bad because my problem with their cases is that they are too slippery. They may offer great protection but that’s offset if I’m always dropping the thing. The new finishes (Carbon fibre, marble and steel) all sound like they are intentionally slippery!
June 28, 2017 at 10:53 pm
yes all cases of rhinoshield as slippery…. good finish and fit, but fail in grippy.