The Speck Presidio Grip is one of the best cases for the iPhone 7. But…
Speck Presidio GRIP Review – Very impressed with this Speck iPhone 7 case
As of right now, this Speck case is the highest rated case on our Top 10 list. If you’re looking for a wonderfully grippy case that offers better than average drop-protection, the Speck Presidio GRIP is for you! However, if you think the 10 ft drop protection marketing on the package is a selling point, we suggest you watch what happened to our iPhone in a 10 ft drop.
We’re big fans of companies who make improvements to their products. Speck took a favourite of ours for the iPhone 7, the Speck CandyShell Grip and changed the glossy back with a matte back which significantly reduces the wear/tear on the case.
The biggest selling point of the Presidio GRIP is the grip (really?). Specks case is one of the few that fit well in your hand without having it feel “sticky”. For example, the Tech 21 Evo Mesh/Chek is a case that is “grippy” but feels “sticky” at the same time.
For protection, the buttons are covered, but the speaker and Lightning port are exposed. Speck claims that the Presidio GRIP has 10 ft worth of drop protection but our drop test showed otherwise. This isn’t the first time we broke an iPhone in a Speck case; we broke our first iPhone 6 in the regular Speck CandyShell.
Accessing the iPhone in the case is an absolute joy. The grip on the case makes handling your iPhone with one hand is a breeze. The Presidio GRIP’s size is smaller than the average iPhone case which also helps with the handling.
Our only grip with the case is that we believe that Specks’s marketing over states the protection the Presidio GRIP provides for the iPhone. We’re not sure if we’d get this case because of all the PR drivel that Speck places on their sites and packaging. So its up to, do you ignore the PR drivel and get a great case? Or do you send a message to the company by forgoing their “fluffy” product and go with another highly rated case?
Speck Presidio GRIP Gallery – iPhone 7 cases

Looking for alternatives? Here are a couple of similar cases:
Have questions for our Speck Presidio GRIP Review for the iPhone 7? Please ask them below, or on our Google+ page or our Facebook page or our About Us page. To stay up to date on everything we’re doing, check out our Twitter and Instagram feeds!

October 18, 2016 at 6:04 am
does the grip lines wear and tear fast? i’m interested in this case too but saw a few comments on amazon saying the grip lines worn out very fast
Aaron Ho
October 18, 2016 at 2:52 pm
They will depending on how you use it. The two CandyShell grips that I’ve had my friends/family use aren’t in terrible shape.
Ray Stephen
January 6, 2017 at 11:54 pm
Really enjoy your reviews Aaron. I own the Speck presidio grip for my iPhone 7. I like it a lot but after seeing some cases at Best buy, I think the Evutec Aer Karbon would take the #1 spot for the best iPhone 7 slim case. great built quality, materials, tested signal strength and everyday normal drop protection from four feet. It seems like a very good contestent in your reviews. I hope we can someday see a review done by you of this case. Cheers from Edmonton.
Aaron Ho
January 9, 2017 at 3:20 pm
I’ve got one in my giant pile of cases that need to be removed. Thx for the heads up!
April 28, 2017 at 11:22 am
I love your site and reviews, but I had to send this case back. It is terrible. The grips collect dirt like a magnet. Forget taking it to the beach, and I mean just sitting in a chair dry. The fit is poor and it feels cheap. This case is definitely a downgrade from previous.
September 8, 2017 at 4:57 pm
I work in outdoor digital billboard advertising, use an iphone 6s plus and have had multiple drops from 15-16ft and one from 40ft. I have the presidio case and not once did my screen break. I LOVE this case. I will never use a different one.